Thursday, December 22, 2011

My other, other love - Random ramblings about food

When I was pregnant, I had the BIGGEST cravings for fruit!  I have always enjoyed fruit, but when I was pregnant I NEEDED  fruit with every meal, at all hours of the day and night, and ALL. THE. TIME.  I began trying new fruits and new combinations (grapes with green olives = yummy to my pregnant tummy...I know olives aren't fruit, but they are a cocktail garnish, so my rationalization was that they went with everything).  Yes, I was that stereotypical pregnant woman.

Anyway, my point is that I'd never really given clementine oranges a chance before I was pregnant.  I'm not a huge fan of oranges in general.  If you have to work that hard to eat it, it's probably not worth it.  (I feel the same way about chicken wings with the bone in them.  Buffalo Wild Wings and the invention of the boneless wing are the best things EVAH!)  Clementines on the other hand are easy to peel, seedless, and they fit conveniently into coat pockets, allowing for easy transportation.

My obsession with clementines has not waned since giving birth.  I have stopped eating them (and everything else) with olives, but I still eat about 6 of them a day.  They had 5 lb. boxes on sale last week, so I picked up two of them!  One box lasted me about 8 days, so I should be good through the beginning of next week.  ;) 

10 lbs. of clementines = amazing delciousness

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