Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Baby/Puppy Snuggles

I wrote last week that Evie has been sick.  I took her to the doctor Monday night, and he ruled out any infections.  He told me the usual, "It just has to runs its course" mumbo jumbo, which I totally believe is true, but doesn't help me when I'm up with a baby who keeps coughing herself awake from midnight to 3 AM.  (Sorry for the rant, I'm sure you've been there.)

Anyway, in our desperation to get *little* sleep last week, Evie spent some time in our bed.  I managed to sneak out and get ready while she was still asleep.  The dog jumped in to cuddle with her, and I thought it was adorable!

Keeka pretends she hates Evie, but the truth is in the picture! 

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